Let’s talk about stress…

Good morning everyone,

I hope you’re having a wonderful start to the week 🙂

Stress is something which impacts us all in its own way as we progress through our lives. It’s a topic that is so important to raise awareness of, which is exactly what we’re going to be doing in today’s blog.

Hello and Welcome to Sweeney’s Blogs!

Stress and poor mental health are some of the biggest public health challenges that we’re facing in today’s society. Let’s take a look over the last couple of years, with the COVID-19 pandemic, global political tensions, the climate crisis and so much more, it’s completely understandable to see why cases of stress are increasing in the masses.

Stress Awareness Month has been held every April since 1992, with the intention behind it to break down the stigma and raise awareness of stress and the vast impact that it can have on all of our lives. Research has probed that stress has a direct influence and impact on our collective physical and mental health, so encouraging these conversations is vitally important.

Anybody who knows me can vouch for how much I care about mental health and our general well-being. There have been countless times in my life when I have been stressed, however, this is a very natural thing. What is important isn’t how the different causes of stress may arise or present themselves to you, it’s how you react to them.

Stress can be a highly subjective thing – what one person deems as incredibly stressful, another may completely disagree. As people, we all think, feel and process things differently. While there isn’t one golden solution out there to resolve stress for each and every person, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way through all of this – it is all about finding what works best for you and maximising that where you can.

There are a limitless number of healthy releases that you can test out to see how they work for you. Whether it’s knitting, running, swimming, going for a drive, writing poetry, reading a book, or chatting to a mate, I could go on and on. The activity largely doesn’t matter, as long as it is a sustainable way for you to release pent-up tensions healthily then you really can’t go wrong

So, for the rest of April and onwards, let’s continue to break down the barriers and raise awareness of stress. It’s something that we all face in our lives, and by coming together and supporting one another, we can make an enormous difference in each of our lives.

That’s all for today’s blog, what do you think? How does stress impact you in your life? How do you relax and recharge after a busy week? Would you like to see more blogs like this moving forward?

I’d love to hear your thoughts ⤵️

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a lovely day!

Sweeney’s Blogs

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