Shadows of a Departed Friendship – Poem

Good morning everyone,

I hope you’re having a lovely start to the week πŸ™‚

Friendships change a lot as we progress through life – some people we’ll meet and stay close to, others may drift away over time. It took me a little while to realise that this is all completely normal, so I thought I’d put pen to paper and write a poem about it to share with you all. Hope you enjoy giving it a read πŸ™‚

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Life’s Mysterious Journey – Poem

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you’re having a great start to the weekend πŸ™‚

I’ve been wandering around memory lane a little bit lately and found a poem that I wrote back in 2022, which I am incredibly proud of. I’ve been debating getting back into writing poems lately, so this may end up acting as a nice little incentiviser! With that in mind, let’s take a look at my poem, called “Life’s Mysterious Journey” in today’s blog.

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Poetry – the Key to Managing Stress?

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you’re having a lovely start to the weekend πŸ™‚

Poetry has always been a fantastic outlet for me to understand and add context to my thoughts, feelings and my internal monologue. Whenever I would have trouble putting things into words, I commonly found that the whole process was far easier when I instead tried to turn it into a poem, the whole experience was so much easier.

Let’s explore this in a little more detail…

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Poetry – the key to managing stress?

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you’re all keeping well πŸ™‚

Writing poetry has always been a very relaxing process for me, it’s been the perfect way for me to share my thoughts in a way that makes sense to me. So with that in mind, today’s blog is going to explore the topic of poetry, and how it can be used as a brilliant stress reliever.

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National Limerick Day 2021

National Limerick Day fell on Wednesday 12th May 2021 this year! In today’s blog, to help celebrate this great day, we are going to be taking a closer look at Limericks, where they come from, how to make one, and how we can use them to help spread positivity & comedy in our lives! So, let’s get to it!

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The Return of the Lockdown Poem – The Brown Minimalist

Lockdown has affected each and every one of us in one way or another over the course of 2020. For many, lockdown has left people with a lot more time on their hands, compared to what they are usually used to, and it can lead to people feeling lost over what to do in the day. As England entered their second lockdown, which was to be for a month from the 5th November to the 2nd December, The Brown Minimalist has wrote us a guest poem, which takes a look at some of the things we can do in these unusual times.

I hope you enjoy today’s guest post, be sure to let me know what you think!

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The Lockdown Reflection Poem – The Brown Minimalist

Lockdown has given us all some time to take a step back and reflect on how we see ourselves, as well as how we live our lives. This time has been an enlightening experience for many and has led them to relight their creativity and passion for life itself. Today’s blog is guest poem by The Brown Minimalist, all about The Lockdown Reflection. I hope you all enjoy it!

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A Christmas Poem β€” S L Hollister, author

Peace on Earth By: Sherri Lupton Hollister 2011 Silver tinsel shining bright Carolers singing Silent Night Bells clanging, pealing ring Peace on Earth the Angels sing Chaos, confusion , heartaches abound There is no Peace on Earth to be found I pray for a calm, quiet place God whispers, β€œChild I give you grace.” Wadded […]

via A Christmas Poem β€” S L Hollister, author

Everybody in life is writing their own book – Poem

Everybody in life is writing their own book,

Each day a new page, a new mindset and look,

Life can be like the weather, forever changing,

One day it could be bright, the next it could be raining,

The sun always comes back though to brighten up your day,

The sun makes us feel happier, taking the sad times away,

Whatever we do in life we must take with pride,

Take each opportunity with a positive mindset and try to enjoy life’s ride.

Each year of our life can be turned into an episode,

Lessons we learn, the knowledge bestowed,

Embrace every chance to meet new people and friends,

Let them be there with you as you go through life’s bends,

Move forward through life with a positive mindset,

If you’re nervous about something get help, don’t sit there and fret.

Whatever we do in life we must take with pride,

Take each opportunity with a positive mindset and try to enjoy life’s ride.

Life isn’t always easy, but we need to try and see the good from the bad,

Always aim to be positive and happy, not negative and sad,

When life throws you a curveball it’s okay to get stressed,

When you surround yourself with good people, they help you to feel blessed,

Remember that everybody in life is writing their own book,

Each day a new page, a new mindset and look,

Whatever we do in life we must take with pride,

Take each opportunity with a positive mindset and try to enjoy life’s ride.

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the poem. Let me know what you think in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you in the next blog!

Sweeney’s Blogs

Any money donated here will be put back into the business. This can be through marketing campaigns, upgrades to plans or for setting up future events!



Summer…A Poem. β€” Steve`s Country

SUMMER Summer is here with all its green, Making such a relaxing scene. Mixed with the calming sky so blue, Makes a wonderful day ’tis true. Summer is what I really like, Great to walk or taking a hike. All of summer with its beauty, Sights and sounds so very lovely. The sparkling lake and […]

via Summer…A Poem. β€” Steve`s Country

Mo’s Room – Poem

Hello and Welcome to Sweeney’s Blogs!

Today’s blog is going to be a poem I wrote about an old counselors room that I used to go to. The idea of the poem is that the room is like a safe haven where you can go and simply let go of your problems. I wrote the poem in a style that repeats the last two lines at the end of every verse/stanza.

Here’s the poem:

A place to go when you’re happy or sad,

An escape to go to when you’re stressed out or mad.

If you’re feeling stressed and have an impending sense of doom,

When people judge you and just assume,

When your heads a mess and you’re out of zoom,

Take a minute out of your day to go to Mo’s room,

When you’re stuck in a cycle of anxiety and gloom,

To restore your confidence to allow you to bloom,

Take a minute out of your day to go to Mo’s room,

A place to go when you’re happy or sad,

An escape to go to when you’re tired or mad.

If you’re having problems talking to your family,

Or you might be suffering financially,

If it’s prime exam time or you have anxiety,

And you feel your life running rampantly,

A group who would help no matter who you were,

Who would help you see clearly if your mind was a blur,

A place to go when you’re happy or sad,

An escape to go to when you’re tired or mad.

If you need help or just a bit of support,

Maybe you’re going through trauma or an issue in court,

If you’re getting bullied an are too scared to report,

If your minds a mess and you have things you need to sort,

If a friend lets you down and left you and has fallen short,

When you feel like giving up and for your plans to abort,

A place to go when you’re happy or sad,

An escape to go to when you’re stressed out or mad.

If you’re looking for a branch that you cannot reach,

You need advice, not someone to preach,

If you don’t know what to do next, be it University or an apprenticeship,

Or if you are having problems with your relationship,

If you want advice and a helping hand,

Or you want to rediscover yourself and re-brand,

A place to go when you’re happy or sad,

An escape to go to when you’re stressed out or mad.

Thank you for reading today’s blog! What do you all think? Do you have a place to go to release? Does everyone like this style of poems or would you like a different style in the future? What do you like/dislike about the poem? Let me know in the comments or get in touch with me!

Sweeney’s Blogs

Any money donated here will be put back into the business. This can be through marketing campaigns, upgrades to plans or for setting up future events!


James Sweeney

My Head is a Maze – Poem

Hello and Welcome to Sweeney’s Blogs!

Today’s blog is going to be a poem I have written called “My Head is a Maze, and takes a look at some of the thoughts that started to creep back into my mind when I was going through a series of negativity cycles. The blog may seem very sad, but the important thing to remember is that i got through it, and it made me a much better person overall!

Here’s the poem:

My head sometimes feels like a neverending maze,

With corridors changing and turning  leaving my thoughts in a daze,

An exit never in sight despite trying all the available ways,

The mood quickly lowers, in dire need of a raise,

Is this forever or is it just a some temporary phase?

My mind often wonders, conclusions it does draw,

Thoughts whizzing and whirring leaving my head in a blur,

A grip on reality can sometimes be hard to secure,

A sense of normalness often seems impossible to restore,

Is the reward for these phases worth the emotional seesaw?

When times get tough we can easily begin to isolate,

Our self-image in our minds we start to depreciate,

We usually undervalue the amount we have on our plate,

People start losing focus and cannot think straight,

It’s during these times that we need to accept help to help balance the weight.

My head sometimes feels like a neverending maze,

With corridors changing and turning  leaving my thoughts in a daze,

An exit never in sight despite trying all the available ways,

The mood quickly lowers in need of a raise,

Is this forever or is it just a phase?

Thank you for reading my new poem. What do you all think? Let me know in the comments down below! What style of poetry do you like to see? has your head ever felt like it was stuck in a maze? What helps you to rediscover yourself?

Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed! There’s always more blogs to come so keep looking. Give the page a follow and like our Facebook page to keep in the loop for when new blogs are released!

Sweeney’s Blogs

Any money donated here will be put back into the business. This can be through marketing campaigns, upgrades to plans or for setting up future events!


James Sweeney

Short Poem on Seasons

Hello and Welcome to Sweeney’s Blogs!

Today’s blog is a poem that I have written about the four seasons. It is only a small poem but I wanted to keep it simple as I am only recently getting back into writing poems and other forms of literature.

Here it is  and I hope you enjoy:

The year starts off with a cold winter full of snow,
Which makes you sit inside watching your favourite tv show.
Hot water from the kettle is constantly on the flow,
As you sit inside waiting for the cold weather to go.

Next, we move into Spring where the plants do flower,
Where we always have to expect a short April shower,
As the trees new branches grow in strength and in power,
They look over their new horizons standing tall with posture and power.

Summertime is next with blue sky and sun,
Everyone can relax as their summer break has begun,
Parties and festivals are thrown for people to have fun,
Then they can go and get soaked with a big water gun.

Autumn is next bringing Thanksgiving and Halloween,
Where people can dress up like a king or a queen,
Leaves on trees start to turn brown from their original green,
Then they fall to the ground creating a classic autumn scene.

Thank you for reading today’s blog! What do you all think? Do you want to see more poems on the page? Which season is your favourite and why? If you could change a line in the poem what would you change and why?

